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Latest Events

Departmental Seminar - Mastering the Art of Publication: Insights on Publishing Journal Articles and Books

13 Sept 2024

Departmental Seminar - Beauty Pays, But Not Under All Circumstances: Evidence From An Experiment Using Deepfakes

5 Sept 2024

Departmental Seminar - Union History and Midlife Health Outcomes

11 Jun 2024

What happens to Sociology’s ‘big questions’ in an age of environmental uncertainty?

14 May 2024

Departmental Seminar - 3D printing and creative labour (dis)empowerment: A case study of Hong Kong startup

19 Apr 2024

Departmental Seminar - From Street Smarts To Org Charts: Professional Expertise And The Organizational Production Of Urban Integration

10 Apr 2024

Departmental Seminar - Zero-sum thinking and the cultural threat of Muslim religious rights

26 Mar 2024

Departmental Seminar - Geopolitical, Neoliberal, and Rescaling Multiculturalism: Southeast Asian and Chinese Second-Generation Children in Taiwan

1 Mar 2024

Departmental Seminar - Malleability of fairness principles and information about inequality in China

29 Feb 2024

Departmental Seminar - Racial Differences in Activity Space Disadvantage and Everyday Perceptions of Safety: Using GPS and Ecological Momentary Assessment to Understand Urban Inequality

29 Jan 2024

Departmental Seminar - Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 and Informal Social Control in an Urban Setting: The Case of Hong Kong

23 Jan 2024

Theory and Practices in Sociological Inquiry:
Conversations between The University of Hong Kong and Peking University

20 Jan 2024

Celebrating 10 years of Master of Social Sciences in Media, Culture & Creative Cities

6 Dec 2023

Departmental Seminar – The Dynamics of Change in Cultural Consumption in the UK

30 Nov 2023

Book Talk — Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform

13 Nov 2023

Information Day Mock Lecture: Urban graffiti – is it art or crime?

28 Oct 2023

HKU Department of Sociology RPG Student Writing Retreat

16 Oct 2023

How to Sue Your Rapist: Inequality in the Pursuit of Civil Justice

25 Sept 2023

Meeting with the editor of International Migration Review

22 Sept 2023

Publishing in International Migration Review

21 Sept 2023

New Directions in Displacement and Refugee Research

21 Sept 2023

Information Technology and Social Change

29 Aug 2023

A Counterfactual Framework for Studying the Causes and Consequences of Social Stratification

24 Aug 2023

The Art of Resistance: Three Strategies to Challenge Master Narratives

23 Aug 2023

China: A Powerhouse and Resistor of Restorative Justice

23 Aug 2023

Experience of subjective discrimination in healthcare in superdiverse areas: evidence in four European countries

7 Jun 2023

JUPAS Information Week – Department of Sociology Mock Lecture: Understanding Heritage from a Sociological Perspective

25 May 2023

Public Lecture: Queer Data – Who Counts?

19 Apr 2023

Career Development Seminar with Dr Kevin Guyan

18 Apr 2023

Book Launch: Tracing China: A Forty-Year Ethnographic Journey. (踏跡尋中:四十年華南田野之旅)

4 Jan 2023

Information Day 2022 Mock Lecture

29 Oct 2022

Contemporary China Research Cluster Public Lecture: Between Hierarchy and Patriarchy: The Duality of Chinese Bureaucracy in History

25 Oct 2022

Staging Cantonese Opera across Time and Place: Pre-performance Appreciation Scheme 穿「粵」戲台:演前導賞計劃——《春滿杏林》及《奉奉天承運》創作分享會

4 Sept 2022

Hong Kong Society in Many Faces in the Past 25 years: Some Sociological Reflections (25年來香港社會多面觀)

30 Jul 2022

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