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Ms Hiu Lap Kwan

PhD Student

8.25, 8/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

HKU Scholars Hub
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Ms Hiu Lap Kwan
  • Haley is a full-time PhD student in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. She received her bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature from The University of Hong Kong and pursued a master’s degree in gender studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The London School of Economics and Political Science. She was the director of development and Outreach for HKU Heforsheforus Gender Student Society from 2019 to 2021, a member of i-COMMONHK’s organising committee in 2020, and is currently a member of Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-Will) under COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


    Haley’s research interests include Marxist feminism, social reproduction theory, precarious gendered work, intersectionality, the gig labour process, and platform economy and cooperativism. Her current research explores intersectional vulnerabilities, labour struggle, and women’s solidarity in China’s ride-hailing industry, and looks at the alternative organisation of platform economy, such as digital commons and platform cooperatives.

  • MSc Gender Research
    The London School of Economics and Political Science

    MA Gender Studies
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    BA Comparative Literature
    The University of Hong Kong

    • Gender and platform work

    • Social reproduction theory

    • Marxist Feminism

    • Intersectionality

    • Women’s solidarity

    • The gig labour process

  • Hsin Chong – K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund for Joint Student Projects (1st round), 2020/21

    Postgraduate Scholarship, 2019

    Talent Development Scholarship, 2015

    Robert Tam Yik Fong Memorial Scholarship, 2015


    Kwan, H. (2022). Gendered precarious employment in China’s gig economy: Exploring women gig drivers’ intersectional vulnerabilities and resistances. Gender and Development.

    Kwan, H. (2022). Women’s Solidarity, Communicative Space, the Gig Economy’s Social Reproduction and Labour Process: The Case of Female Platform Drivers in China. Critical Sociology.


    Kwan, H. (2022) ‘Then and Now: Women’s Struggles and Solidarity in China’s Ride-Hailing Industry’, Marxist Sociology Blog, July 27, 2022.

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