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Ms Jiao Guo

PhD Student

8.25, 8/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

HKU Scholars Hub
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Ms Jiao Guo
  • Jiao Guo is a full-time PhD student at HKU sociology. She received her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Sun Yat-sen University and master’s degree in social science from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


    She mainly uses empirical data and quantitative methods to understand how gender pay inequalities are shaped and what are the consequences.

  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    M.A. in Social Science

    Sun Yat-sen University

    B.A. in Journalism

    • Gender inequality in labor market

    • Occupation

    • The Greater China

    • Quantitative methods

  • Jiao’s current research focuses on gender inequality in the labor market across different social contexts, with a particular emphasis on three driving forces:

    • structural changes in the labor market;

    • labor market discrimination; and

    • family responsibilities and motherhood

  • HKU Postgraduate Scholarship

  • Xu, Duoduo, Jiao Guo, Karen Ka Han Li, and Lucy P. Jordan. "Who cares? Childcare support and women’s labor supply in Hong Kong." Chinese Sociological Review 56, no. 1 (2024): 30-62.    Link

    Xu, Duoduo, Shuheng Jin, Ngai Pun, Jiao Guo, and Xiaogang Wu. "The scarring effect of first job precarity: new evidence from a panel study in Hong Kong." Work, Employment and Society 38, no. 1 (2024): 206-225.   Link

    Xu, Duoduo, and Jiao Guo (equal authorship). "In sight, in mind: Spatial proximity to protest sites and changes in peoples' political attitudes." The British Journal of Sociology 74, no. 1 (2023): 83-104.    Link

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