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Dr Carmen K M Tong


9.11, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

3917 4641

Dr Carmen K M Tong
  • Carmen’s research expertise in schooling and student culture was inspired from her extensive teaching experiences in different higher education institutions in Hong Kong. Her ethnographic studies explore Hong Kong students’ sexual identities, life visions, and the dynamics of adaptation tactics in the competitive schooling environment.

    Carmen is currently intrigued by the rapidly growing field of human-animal studies and their potential contribution to sociological inquiries.

  • PhD in Sociology
    The University of Hong Kong

    MPhil in Sociology
    The University of Hong Kong

    BSocSc in Sociology
    The University of Hong Kong

    • Education and schooling

    • Gender and sexualities

    • Self and identity

    • Media and cultural studies

    • Human-animal relationships

  • ‘Green a Difference – Reduction of Animal Consumption in Hong Kong.” Funded by Knowledge Exchange Fund (KE-IP-2017/18-66). Project Date: 01/08/2017 – 30/06/2018.

    ‘Size Does Matter: Reflecting Our Attitudes and Knowledge about Non-Human Animals in Urban Hong Kong.” Funded by Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange (KE) Project Fund (KE-ID-2015/16-20). Project Date: 01/09/2016 – 30/08/2017.

  • Journal articles

    Tong, C. 2017. “A Chronology of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement: January 2013 – December 2014”, Education Philosophy and Theory. 6 April 2017.

    Book chapters

    Tong, C.K.M. 2008. ‘Being a Young Tomboy in Hong Kong – The Life and Identity Construction of Lesbian Schoolgirls’, in Fran Martin et al. ed. AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Genders and Sexualities. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. pp.117-130.

  • SOCI8026

    Unavailable this year

    Self-identity and late-modern society


    2nd semester

    Co-presence – Human-animal relationships in modern cities


    1st semester

    Body, intimacy and sexuality


    1st semester

    Body, beauty and fashion


    2nd semester

    Some we love, some we eat: Human-animal relationships in the global marketplace


    1st semester

    Media and culture in modern societies


    Full-year course

    Capstone Project in Media, Culture and Creative Cities

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