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Crime and the media



12:30 – 14:20


1st semester

Lecture venue
Lecture time
Offer semester
  • The media plays a particularly influential role on the public's conceptions of crime and order. This course is designed to look at the ways in which the media shapes our ideas and responses to crime. The course examines representations of crime in different news media forms and theoretical explanations for why crime is portrayed in particular ways. The course will also look at the representation of crime in popular culture and the entertainment media.

    1. Identify ways crimes are represented in different media forms

    2. Describe key concepts and theories that help explain how media shapes our ideas and responses to crime

    3. Demonstrate their understanding of a particular chosen crime issue by engaging in intensive, independent researched reflective writing

    4. Analyse why their chosen crime issue is portrayed in a particular ways

    5. Critically evaluate on such media representations

    6. Synthesize and inspire discussions on current issues and problems related to new media technology’s impact on crime and the media

  • Tasks


    Individual Portfolio


    Tutorial presentation, facilitation, and participation




  • Marsh, I., & Melville, G. (2019). Crime, justice and the media. Routledge.

    Additional required readings will be listed on the course syllabus.

  • Greer, C. (Ed.). (2019). Crime and Media: A Reader. London: Routledge

Course co-ordinator and teachers
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