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Modern culture and lifestyles



13:30 - 16:20


2nd semester

Lecture venue
Lecture time
Offer semester
  • This course will focus on the intersection between culture and inequality. Why are some individuals more likely to go to office hours, to feel comfortable in a doctor’s office, or to get job interviews? Is Beyoncé high culture or low culture, and what does that mean for those who listen to her music, or who try to make music like her? What’s the difference between people who eat McDonald’s and those who go to Michelin starred restaurants? In this class, we will seek to answer these questions and many others like them.

    • Learn about the main topics and themes in cultural sociology

    • Develop a deeper understanding of the cultural aspects of inequality

    • Learn how to engage and critique scholarly research

  • Tasks




  • Readings for this course will be a combination of academic journal articles, newspaper articles, and book chapters. They will all be posted to Moodle. There will be no textbook for the course.

Assistant Professor

Prof Ioana Sendroiu
Course co-ordinator and teachers
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